2025年高三全国100所名校单元测试示范卷 25·G3DY(新高考)·英语-R-必考-Y 英语(三)3试题

2025年高三全国100所名校单元测试示范卷 25·G3DY(新高考)·英语-R-必考-Y 英语(三)3试题,全国100所卷临天下答案网目前收集并整理关于2025年高三全国100所名校单元测试示范卷 25·G3DY(新高考)·英语-R-必考-Y 英语(三)3试题的相关试卷和相关答案分析,完整的2025全国100所名校试卷答案请关注微信公众号:考不凡


Valentine has been working in TV since the 1990s. She appears to have found success coaching other actors to speak in a variety of dialects. 38 , TikTok is a medium to educate the masses. Valentine’s TikTok takes simple phrases, such as “I’m hungry” or “the milk smells funny”. Valentine then repeats these simple words in accents including German, Dutch, and New York. She also highlights the rich variety of dialects within the UK, including Yorkshire, Scouse, Cockney, Geordie, Welsh, and Northern Irish.
“ 39 ,” James Lantolf, a professor at Penn State, said. “Isolated (偏僻的) areas, such as New Orleans, develop different dialects. Since there is no contact between regions, entire words and languages can grow and develop independently. Social standing and education also affect the language of an individual person.” It is thought that accents have psycho-social purposes, allowing individuals to identify oneself and others as part of a group.
Everyone has an accent. A dialect coach like Valentine can help one learn to speak differently, for an acting job or for fun. 40 . Learning a second language as an adult is difficult; for much the same reason, it’s tricky to change your accent. With that in mind, watching Valentine change accents at the drop of a hat is all the more impressive.
A.In fact, all accents are worthy of pride
B.One’s birthplace can affect his accent
C.However, not all accents are worth learning
D.While much work with actors is done in one-on-one coaching

2025年高三全国100所名校单元测试示范卷 25·G3DY答案合集

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