河南省2023~2024学年度八年级综合素养评估(一)[PGZX C HEN]英语试题
营销学院2023-09-26 14:26:24
河南省2023~2024学年度八年级综合素养评估(一)[PGZX C HEN]英语试题,目前2024高中名校卷子答案已经汇总了河南省2023~2024学年度八年级综合素养评估(一)[PGZX C HEN]英语试题的各科答案和试卷,更多2024高中名校卷子答案请关注本网站。
●邮发代号:21-108A关语周叛高标WEEKLY第33期2021-2022学年总第3697期2022.1.21星期五○)山西师范大学主管山西师大教育科技传媒集团主办!英语周报社编辑出版社长:徐文伟。总编辑:刘永俊国内统一刊号:CN14-0705/F)网址:http:/www.ew.com.cnTEENS'FOCUS★★★☆☆主题语境:人与社会一社会服务与人际沟通Words:about 300;Time:5 minutesA programhelpREADERSpoor children read more books语篇导读:一个由Scholastic is a large publisher(出版商)of booksfor children and educational materials.Its goal is to getprogram "will bring books to those schools美国学乐读书俱乐部books into schools to increase literacy(读写能力).Theand communities that need them the most.发起,著名作家詹姆company has publishing rights in the U.S.for booksand ones that we haven't served before."斯·帕特森参与捐赠的like the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series.On its website Scholastic says the项目,在为贫困的孩子Judy Newman is president of Scholastic BookUnited States of Readers program aims at们提供免费书籍,一起Clubs.She said that in many communities children dohelping children in schools serving poor来了解一下吧。not have enough money to buy books and don't havecommunities.It has chosen a limited numberthe opportunity to read.And her company needed toof schools to take part but hopes to increasecome up with a new way to help them,because everythe number in the coming years.child needs to be able to choose and own books,and seeFrom:learningenglish.voanews.comA donation(捐赠)byathemselves as a reader.ous writer has helped start aA gift from Patterson helped start the newgram,called the United Stateseaders,to help poor childrenprogram.He has already donated more than $10 millionmore books.to teachers and students through Scholastic.He saidthat he has supported literac